Yemen (YE)

Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen is a country in Western Asia, on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the northeast and shares maritime borders with Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia. It is the second-largest Arab sovereign state in the peninsula, occupying 555,000 square kilometres (214,000 square miles). The coastline stretches for about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles). Yemen’s constitutionally stated capital, and largest city, is the city of Sanaa, but the city has been under Houthi rebel control since February 2015 as well as Aden, which is also controlled by the Southern Transitional Council since 2018. Its executive administration resides in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Intellectual property protection in Yemen

Intellectual property office Ministry of Industry and Trade, General Department for Intellectual Property Protection
Contact details P.O. Box 1607
(9671) 235 461


Time limit applicable for entry into the PCT national phase Not a member state
Time limit applicable for filing Conventional application 12 months from the priority date
Language Arabic and English
Representation Foreign applicants must be represented by a Yemeni Patent Attorney
Power of Attorney A signed power of attorney legalised by a Yemeni Consulate must be submitted


Filing requirements
  • Applicant(s) details
  • Representation of the mark
  • List of good(s) and/or service(s)
Multiple-class applications No
Power of Attorney A signed power of attorney legalised by a Yemeni Consulate must be submitted
Opposition period Within two months from publication of the trademark application
Representation Foreign applicants must be represented by a Yemeni Trademark Attorney

Industrial Design

Filing requirements
  • Applicant's name and address
  • Representation (drawings or photographs) of the design
Multiple design applications No
Power of Attorney A signed power of attorney legalised by a Yemeni Consulate must be submitted
Examination Formal examination
Representation Foreign applicants must be represented by a Yemeni Design Attorney

Source: WIPO and Wikipedia